Most business consultants believe the dogma that business intelligence is defined from the top down. “Policies put forth by key planners, executives, and analysts make or break a company.” However, recent statistical research suggests that “bottom up” approaches can work as well. Make small changes to your business environment and you can craft a far more effective long-term strategy, improve company morale, and get your financial house in order.
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If you would like unique and effective business intelligence solutions, consider working with Gary Patterson, a world-renowned audit manager, finance guru, and operation strategist with a long and successful track record. Gary Patterson has led the way for high level change for many Fortune 500 companies, and he has also actively developed two very impressive start-ups (creating a $10 million-plus revenue stream within the first 12 months of operation).
If you want a synopsis of your company’s direction, consider the FiscalDoctor’s two-week checkup program. This tests your business’s operational fitness, intelligence, and financial status. The checkup can identify places where you need development, and includes metrics that may shed light on future strategies and possible risks. At the end of the checkup, you will get a five tiered list of priorities based on your company’s history, values, and direction.
You can trust the FiscalDoctor’s three decades of top management experience. Not only has Gary Patterson negotiated dozens of well-regarded mergers and acquisitions transactions, but he has also helped top-name CEOs and COOs navigate seemingly insurmountable obstacles to financial success with business intelligence solutions that really work.