Podcast described below
Our subject matter experts are FENG members Jim Saylor (head of the resume review committee), Hugh Glazer (co-chair of Media SIG and resume review volunteer) and Gary Patterson (chair of High Tech SIG and resume review volunteer).
Jim will provide an overview of the resume review process available for FENG members only in a manner which may also be useable for your friends in transition. Based on the “Carson/ Letterman” ten worst things they see on resume reviews for FENG and other groups, Hugh and Gary will discuss a range of tactical and strategic points to add value to member resumes to support our members in job search.
Click below for the resume suggestions which Hugh has contributed.
Winter View Group Job Search Tips
Click below for the resume suggestions which Gary has contributed.
Thanks you for the suggestion. Based on other comments and questions that come up on the podcast, I will talk to Jim and Hugh about a follow-up podcast or discussion .
Thank you to everyone who joined us on the call.
I hope you found it helpful.
Let us know if you have follow up questions.